Anastasia Todamal,
Chartered Professional Accountant


Bookkeeping Package Gold Silver Bronze Starter
These pricing models show where businesses generally fall into for monthly pricing Ideal for Established and Growing Businesses Ideal for Small & Medium Sized Businesses Ideal for Smaller & Growing Businesses Ideal for Start–Ups, Non‐Profits and Charity
Estimate cost per month $749 $449 $249 $149
Approximate Monthly Transaction Starter <300 <100 <60 <25
Number of employees 25+ 5-10+ 1‐4 0‐2
# of bank/credit card accounts 2‐4 2‐4 1‐2 1‐2
Financial statements Monthly Quarterly Annually Annually
Corporate T2
Bank reconciliations
Customer invoice entry from clients info
Mailing of customer invoices
Tracking delinquent accounts
Accounts payable data entry
Accounts payable cheque preparation
GST preparation and filing
Payroll remittances and filing
Expense reports
Comparing actual to budget